Banner advertising

Premium ad space on our homepage

(no contracts, no minimum term)

  1. Sidebar ad top of the page (260 x 110 pixels) only $50 per month 
  2. Premium ad in the centre top of the page (470 x 70 pixels)  only $150 per month


  1. Expose your business to over 5000 visitors per month (locals and holiday makers) in peak season and around 2700 during winter
  2. Ongoing premium exposure
  3. Reports – Impressions and clicks tracked
  4. We take care of the artwork for you at no cost, if you don’t have any available
  5. Your ad linked to your Business Directory listing or your own website
  6. ‘Time’ your ad to support a particular promotion. Just let us know what dates are most suitable and we’ll try to fit you in.
  7. You will be supporting your local community


Please go to our enquiry page.